First Impressions Team
First Impression Team members are often the initial contact someone has with Thanksgiving Church. The focus of this ministry is to create a welcoming, authentic, and safe atmosphere.
Outgoing, approachable, and friendly personality
Focused and observant of interactions, activity, and dynamics in the lobby and church
Able to identify and engage guests
Able to identify and engage individuals seeking Community Care and determine appropriate action
Able to identify safety concerns and determine appropriate safety protocol (i.e. severe weather, fire, individuals with intent to harm)
Ability to work as a team
Creating and building connections with new people
Creating connections for people within the Thanksgiving community
Opportunity to serve others
One year commitment
Serve on a team, at least, once per month
Arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of service/activity
Attend a 10-minute meeting with Team Leads
Meet with Connections Director
Train and shadow with existing team
Attend Semi-annual meetings (Approx. 90 minutes)